Saturday, June 27, 2009

Family Vaca

I will be away from technology for a week on vacation with the fam in a Mexican resort. I hope the Wacko Jacko storyline subsides by the time I return but I have feeling this story has serious legs.

"Mas cervezas, por favor."

word, Mac G

Friday, June 26, 2009

The King of Pop, Dead at 50

I have already signed 2 public Michael Jackson condolence poster cards and U St was bumping MJ's music last night so the least I could do was post a video by the King of Pop.

My favorite song is Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough.

The news of his death put a kiddie strangle hold (too much/too soon?) on Twitter as any words related to the passing were every top 10 trending topic.

Here is the card rolling around the U St area bar Marvin's that I inked the following respect to Jacko.

"God Bless the King of Pop, Mac G"

Monday, June 22, 2009

Triump Visits Bonnaroo

Watch this video to the end because it only gets better.

HT: Hulu via Notorious DEK