Thursday, February 14, 2008

Stratt Heart Attack on Valentines Day

Happy Vday! Yes, this holiday is total BS for dudes and it puts every guy with a girl in his life in a no win position. Do you give a girl too much and scare her away? Do you not give her enough and risk having her coworkers/friends start to make her feel bad, calling you a chump?

For the guys who have just started to date a girl, this day forces you to up the ante, even though you might not be ready for that next step yet.

Or say you are juggling a few girls and have not committed to one, how do you work this day? Who do you chose?

There are many pitfalls to this day for dudes, however, I tend to look at this bs Hallmark/Flower/Candy company creation day as more of a positive for males.

If you are in a relationship, unless you really, really F up, you are going to get some action tonight. Hell, maybe even a BJ if you are lucky and that has to be considered a win.

How many days out of the year can dudes tied down point to as the day they are certainly getting some? Very Few.

This was my favorite holiday to go out on as a single guy. If a girl is out at a bar on Vday, this means she is single, lonely, and more prone to spread em.

My favorite pick up line was just open up with, "This day sucks, such an BS holiday." The broken down girl's face would instantly light up and agree with your half ass line. You were in. Cupid's Devil has struck a target with his crooked arrow.

A few or 10 drinks later, your jokes are funnier and she now thinks she is having more fun those lame Valentine couples.

You end up talking your way back to her place with the indirect quip, "you have any drinks at your spot?" Oh she does? Over. Ballgame.

You wake up the next morning half dressed on the floor in the burbs, banging headache, hurriedly looking for your other shoe, rushing to work in your same clothes, with the dirty snatch smell on your hands. You know, the scent of victory.

Of course this is all made up! ;)

This video of a University of Delaware coed should get your hearts beating on Vday. It makes me rethink all things Delaware.

stratt attack :)

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