Thursday, July 12, 2007

"All I Wanna Do is a Zoom-Zoom-Zoom-Zoom and a BOOM, BOOM!"

Here is video of a Gred Oden's interview with stellar Blogger Miss Gossip. She gets right to the good juicy stuff of asking about the origination of the famous "Bump and Grind" picture. Enjoy. Oden needed a nickname and I am going with RUMP SHAKER.

Anyone have any suggestions for Oden nicknames?
The Big Lead
Miss Gossip Interview
Oden Needs Nickname
Oden is the RUMP SHAKER!

The Big Lead goes with "Pops"
Five Tool monikers ODB, Old Dirty Bastard


DMtShooter said...

How about Oden Dirty Bastard?

ODB ain't nuttin' ta fuck wit!

Mac G said...

I do like Oden Dirty Bastard. Although, the chick looks kinda hot for teen jail bait and you might have to be in your 20's to be called Old and Dirty! I know this very well. Pour some out this evening for ODB!

The Fan's Attic said...

I want to call him The Super, as in I called the Super to fix my leaky defense.