Monday, February 04, 2008

Hangover Monday

I have 3 observations on the day after Super Bowl, otherwise known as Hangover Monday.

  • The game needs to be moved to Saturday night so fans can have a day of recovery. Some will argue about saving the moniker "Super Bowl Sunday" but some catchy outdated slogan did not help my headache or millions of Americans' headaches this morning.
  • If the NFL continues with the game on Sunday, our government needs to step up and give us Monday off. I do not have facts to back this up but I speculate that other countries have national days for a sporting event. The Super Bowl is americana in a nutshell.
  • It was reported that an impressive 105 million people were tuned in for the final 30 minutes of the Super Bowl. My question is what were the other 200 million people in this country doing? Watching Law and Order Reruns? Figuring in the drama, they missed arguably one of the best final quarters in Super Bowl history.

H/T: Lol Jocks

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