Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Link Whores: Defeat the World Edition

Here are some resource links that provide an explanation and good tips for using the new Google Buzz.

For those that use Twitter more than 3-5 times per day, do not sync it to your buzz because the Tweets provide redundancy and clog up the Buzz service. I am ready to unfollow these users.

  • John Mayer is a jack ass. Womanist Musings
  • Excellent break down of MLB Manger's use of the intentional walk. FJB
  • Local TV will becoming to your cell phones and hand held devices. NYT
  • Jason Whitlock slices up Bobby Knight's abysmal announcing performance on Big Monday. KC Star
  • New method of casing houses for criminals could be to check online whereabouts of people. Please Rob Me
  • This video truly scared me and I have a strong stomach. Elementary kids should be taught grind dance moves. Good God. That Video Site
  • Kentucky fan does his own John Wall Dance. You Tube
  • Old Man wearing I an a Mother F'er T-shirt beats up a much younger man on a bus. Deadspin.
  • Colbert Nation is sponsoring the USA Speed Skating team at the Winter Games and Stephen's poster is amazing. Huffington Post


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